Company: Public Data
Site: London Heathrow
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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you visit or make a purchase from (the “Site”). Skylink-Pro subscription service is owned and operated by Skyview Systems Ltd.

At Skyview Systems, we are committed to protecting your privacy as per the requirements stipulated within the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We use the information we collect about you to process your orders and to provide a more personalised subscription service. Your data will never be sold, but is shared with carefully chosen third parties to enhance the service that we are able to provide.

Personal information we collect

When you visit the Site, we automatically collect certain information about your device, including information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the cookies that are installed on your device. Additionally, as you browse the Site, we collect information about the individual web pages or products that you view, what websites or search terms referred you to our Site, and information about how you interact with the Site. We refer to this automatically-collected information as “device information”.

When subscribing to Skylink-Pro, we collect certain information from you, including your name, billing address, shipping address, payment information, email address, and phone number. We refer to this information as “order information”.

When we talk about “personal information” in this privacy policy, we are talking both about Device Information and Order Information.

How do we use your personal information?

We use the order information that we collect to fulfil any orders placed over the phone or via email (including processing your payment information, arranging for shipping, and providing you with invoices and/or order confirmations). Additionally, we use this order information to:

communicate with you;

screen our orders for potential risk or fraud;

when in line with the preferences you have shared with us, provide you with information or advertising relating to our products or services.

We use the device information that we collect to improve and optimise our Site (for example, by generating analytics about how our customers browse and interact with the Site, and to assess the success of our marketing and advertising campaigns).

Sharing your personal information

We use MailChimp, a third-party marketing platform, to enable us to send email newsletters to our marketing subscribers. An unsubscribe option is automatically included in the footer of every campaign sent through MailChimp. You can also unsubscribe by contacting us and requesting that you are unsubscribed for our mailing list. The GDPR contains provisions that address the transfer of personal data from European Uninion (EU) member states to third-party countries, such as the United Stated (US). MailChimp participates in and has certified its compliance to the Privacy Shield framework in order to meet these provisions.

MailChimp has self-certified to both the EU-US Privacy Shield and Swiss-US Privacy Shield regimes, and lawfully transfers EU/EEA personal data to the US pursuant to their Privacy Shield Certification. They also complete a SOC II Type 2 examination on an annual basis for the Trust Principal Criteria of Security, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Availability.

Your rights

If you are a European resident, you have the right to access any personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us via the contact details provided below.

Additionally, if you are a European resident, we note that we are processing your information in order to fulfil any contracts that we might have with you (for example, if you make an order via email or telephone with Skyview Systems Ltd), or otherwise to pursue our legitimate business interests listed above.

You have the right to request access to the data we hold on you and have the right to withdraw consent to be contacted for marketing purposes at any time. To do this, please contact us via email with the subject line 'Subject Access Request'.

The information we hold will be accurate and as up to date as your last recorded contact with us. As above, you can check the information that we hold about you by contacting us. If you find any inaccuracies, you have the right to rectification and we will be happy to correct any errors for you.

Our data retention period is reviewed annually and data that is no longer needed is removed. We are required by law to store customer data for a set period of time. As part of our data policy review, and due to the specialist nature of the products and services we offer, we have deemed it necessary to retain customer data from 2003 onward. Many of our customers purchase meteorological equipment with the intention of keeping lifetime weather records and as a result, require long term support in terms of information on the specification of the products they have purchased; information that we can only provide if we are able to identify the individual requesting the information and their corresponding orders. If you would like your records erased, please see details on your right to erasure below.

As per Article 17 of the GDPR, you have the right to have your personal data erased. You can contact us via email to ask that the personal data we hold on you is erased. This is also known as the ‘right to be forgotten’. Please note that this right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

As per the ICO recommendations, in the event of withdrawing your consent or invoking your right to erasure, it is appropriate for us to retain enough information about you to ensure this you are not included in future communications and/or that your details are erased. Please note, we may ask to see formal identification to verify your identity before processing your data information requests in a bid to combat identity theft and corporate espionage. 

You are free to contact us to exercise any applicable rights regarding the data we hold.

You are also welcome to contact us at any time to request a copy of our company GDPR Compliance Statement.


By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of the information detailed in this privacy policy by Skyview Systems Ltd. You also confirm that you are over 18 years of age. From time to time, we will make changes to our privacy policy and we update this page to reflect these changes so that you are always aware of what information we collect and how we use it.

When you subscribe to Skylink-Pro services, Skyview Systems Ltd uses the information requested for internal purposes only. This is necessary in order to create and manage your User Profile and Account. All data will be stored securely and in line with GDPR requirements. We will use your email address to contact you about essential site maintenance / server upgrades only. Every Skylink-Pro user must supply a current email address and telephone number for us to store securely . This is necessary for the operation and maintenance of our weather subscription service and to keep you informed of any unplanned or planned for down-time, thus minimising disruption to potentially critical operations.

Contact us

For more information about our privacy practices, or if you have questions, please contact us by email at: